Building an in-depth awareness of a thriving democratic nation among the people of Myanmar is the driving force of Mizzima Foundation. The Foundation has identified five priorities for the next three years for advancing democratization and reform process in Myanmar by strengthening inter-regional partnerships. These priorities will be advanced through strategic policy advocacy, knowledge dissemination, activities and partnerships with diverse stakeholders in Myanmar and abroad.
i. Policy research that focuses on inclusive development: Conduct evidence-based research in collaboration with regional partners on poverty, economic inequality, regional disparity (inequality due to geographical exclusion) and social innovations to strengthen policy advocacy.
ii. Gender Equality: Strengthen stakeholders and government’s commitment in making gender equality as an integral component of democratization by developing policies and programs, and implementation plans to protect and advance the rights of women and girls. The Foundation is committed to ensure gender equality remains a priority of Myanmar by promoting active participation of women in areas related (but not limited) to ending violence against women, gender budgeting, gender responsive public services.
iii. Labour markets, social protection and social policy: Increase stakeholders and government’s engagement to achieve a more equitable employment and wages, inclusion of informal sector, and appraisal of social protection policies and schemes.
iv. Resilience and livelihoods: Strengthen government of Myanmar and stakeholders’ consultations in policy dialogue and development on climate change adaptation, sustainable livelihoods –barriers and alternatives, value chain appraisals, social enterprises and fair trade marketing to fulfil its commitment as a democratic nation.
v. Governance, policy and politics: Provide needs-based knowledge and information to government of Myanmar and stakeholders for a more meaningful collaboration on governance reforms, decentralisation and local governance, politics of institutional change, creating spaces for civil society including the media.
vi. Media Development: Provide policy initiatives and capacity development for the media development in Myanmar and bring the stakeholders together for the inclusive and sustainable media development in the country.